 of 36 results
8а улица Бялыницкого-Бирули квартира 25, 212025 Mogilev, Belarus
182.33 km from center
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: CUP (3.61km), Бар (2.96km), Haradščyna (2.58km), Mahilioŭ 2 (2.01km), Палермо (1.38km), Hotel Апартаменты на Бирули от ApartmentCity is 147.42 km away from the Minsk National Airport
65 бульвар Непокорённых квартира 90, 212029 Mogilev, Belarus
182.71 km from center
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: Модерн (2.92km), XIX Век (2.88km), Beer house (376m), Гриль-бар (258m), Колибри (215m), Hotel Апартаменты на Непокоренных, 65 от ApartmentCity is 151.43 km away from the Minsk National Airport
Ulitsa Yakubovskogo 57, 212026 Mogilev, Belarus
183.98 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
10 (2)
The hotel is located near: Mahilioŭ 1 (1.96km), CUP (1.87km), Бар (1.49km), Mahilioŭ 2 (871m), Палермо (612m), Hotel Apartment On Yakubovskogo is 149.38 km away from the Minsk National Airport
83 Leninskaya Street , 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.59 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
8.7 (3)

Очень хорошее расположение. Вначале не все соответствовало описанию, при обращении, все исправили.

23 бульвар Юбилейный , 212017 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Bathtub
shapes Balcony
shapes Shower
8 (1)
The hotel is located near: Да Винчи (1.27km), Марио (1.19km), Bar «Wine’s» (1.13km), Модерн (728m), Гараж (205m), Hotel Apartments on Yubileynom Boulevard 23 from ApartmentCity is 152.66 km away from the Minsk National Airport
83а улица Николая Островского квартира 5, 212002 Mogilev, Belarus
184.4 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: XIX Век (2.43km), Гараж (2.06km), Гриль-бар (1.95km), Колибри (1.88km), Beer house (1.49km), Hotel Апартаменты на Островского, 83а от ApartmentCity is 152.71 km away from the Minsk National Airport
Днепровский бульвар,6, 212000 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Balcony
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: Да Винчи (1.27km), Марио (1.19km), Bar «Wine’s» (1.13km), Модерн (728m), Гараж (205m), Hotel Flat on Dneprovsky boulevard is 152.66 km away from the Minsk National Airport
Dniprovskyi parkway 6a, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes Children friendly
9.2 (4)

Всё отлично. Просторно, современно. Есть всё необходимое для проживания. Достаточно удобное расположение - легко попасть в любую часть города на автомобиле. Рекомендую.

70 vulica Jakubouskaha, 212026 Mogilev, Belarus
182.88 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Bathtub
9.3 (12)

Квартира понравилась очень. Когда приезжаешь на пару дней в город, хочется поселиться в красивом месте и в комфортных условиях. Полностью удовлетворены. Очень красивый дом, подземным паркингом не пользовались, нашли быстро место рядом. Отличная...

79 Пушкинский проспект квартира 15, 212029 Mogilev, Belarus
183.27 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: Модерн (3.07km), XIX Век (3.04km), Колибри (871m), Гриль-бар (780m), Beer house (743m), Hotel Апартаменты на Проспекте Пушкинский,79б от ApartmentCity is 152.08 km away from the Minsk National Airport
20 улица Лазаренко квартира 3, 212022 Mogilev, Belarus
183.34 km from center
shapes Kitchen
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
7.2 (3)
The hotel is located near: Модерн (1.03km), Баноффи (1.01km), Бар (901m), Bakehouse (875m), Пекин (828m), Hotel Апартаменты на Лазаренко от ApartmentCity is 150.04 km away from the Minsk National Airport
36 Temiryazevskaya str. 3 этаж, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.04 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
shapes Children friendly
7 (1)
The hotel is located near: Бургер пицца (372m), Блиндажъ (366m), Тандыр (320m), Трактиръ-Гурман (229m), Проспект (127m), Hotel Apartments on Temiryazevskaya is 151.35 km away from the Minsk National Airport
Mira 25, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.48 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
7.7 (3)

В остальном, понравилось всё.

пр-т Мира 25, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.48 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Bathtub
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
9.6 (5)
The hotel is located near: Тандыр (675m), Бар (657m), Проспект (574m), Трактиръ-Гурман (563m), CUP (156m), Hotel Apartment on Prospekt Mira in Center is 150.69 km away from the Minsk National Airport
Lenina bulvar 6, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.04 km from center
shapes Children friendly
9 (6)

Просторная однокомнатная квартира в самом центре Могилева, отличный вариант для тех, кто хочет познакомиться с достопримечательностями города. Все самое интересное в пешей доступности!

улица Болдина, дом 9, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
183.89 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Shower
8.4 (26)

Отличное месторасположение, практически всё находится в пешей доступности, доброжелательные арендадатели)

45 Leninskaya Street, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.45 km from center
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Bathtub
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
8.2 (4)

The location and the size of the apartment is really good.

Pervomaiskaya Street, 16, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
183.89 km from center
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
shapes Children friendly
9.5 (4)

Очень понравилась квартира, чисто и продуманы мелочи, удобные для жизни

улица Социалистическая 197, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
shapes Children friendly
9 (1)
The hotel is located near: КофеЭра (442m), Чай Сити (421m), Литрушка (337m), Beerлога (299m), Магазин пива Точка (283m), Hotel Apartament on Socialisticheskaja 197 is 114.54 km away from the Minsk National Airport
19 улица Крылова, 213828 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.76 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
6 (4)
The hotel is located near: Магазин пива Точка (1.46km), Beerлога (1.44km), Албена (1.32km), ЕВРООПТ (642m), Forsage (475m), Hotel Apartament on Krylova 19 is 112.81 km away from the Minsk National Airport
80 улица Советская 42, 213826 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.98 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Balcony
shapes Hairdryer
9.1 (9)
The hotel is located near: ПравДА (292m), Аякс (291m), Утро (291m), Coffee Sound (260m), Sushishop (172m), Hotel Apartament on Sovetskaya 80 is 114.9 km away from the Minsk National Airport
ulitsa Oktyabrskaya 114, 213000 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.98 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Bathtub
shapes Balcony
8.2 (0)

Все соответствует ожиданиям, кроме второго спального места.

26 vulica Horkaha, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
9.7 (0)
The hotel is located near: КофеЭра (442m), Чай Сити (421m), Литрушка (337m), Beerлога (299m), Магазин пива Точка (283m), Hotel Apartament on Gorkogo 26 is 114.54 km away from the Minsk National Airport
135 vulica Savieckaja, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
8.1 (10)

Есть все необходимое. Неплохой ремонт. Недалеко от центра.

A total of 36 hotels found in Mogilev Region. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Mogilev Region hotels online has never been easier.

0 (0)
8а улица Бялыницкого-Бирули квартира 25, 212025 Mogilev, Belarus
182.33 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
65 бульвар Непокорённых квартира 90, 212029 Mogilev, Belarus
182.71 km from center
shapes shapes
10 (2)
Ulitsa Yakubovskogo 57, 212026 Mogilev, Belarus
183.98 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.7 (3)
83 Leninskaya Street , 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.59 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8 (1)
23 бульвар Юбилейный , 212017 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
83а улица Николая Островского квартира 5, 212002 Mogilev, Belarus
184.4 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
Днепровский бульвар,6, 212000 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.2 (4)
Dniprovskyi parkway 6a, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
9.3 (12)
70 vulica Jakubouskaha, 212026 Mogilev, Belarus
182.88 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
79 Пушкинский проспект квартира 15, 212029 Mogilev, Belarus
183.27 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.2 (3)
20 улица Лазаренко квартира 3, 212022 Mogilev, Belarus
183.34 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7 (1)
36 Temiryazevskaya str. 3 этаж, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.04 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
7.7 (3)
Mira 25, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.48 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9.6 (5)
пр-т Мира 25, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.48 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9 (6)
Lenina bulvar 6, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.04 km from center
8.4 (26)
улица Болдина, дом 9, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
183.89 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.2 (4)
45 Leninskaya Street, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.45 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.5 (4)
Pervomaiskaya Street, 16, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
183.89 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9 (1)
улица Социалистическая 197, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
6 (4)
19 улица Крылова, 213828 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.76 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9.1 (9)
80 улица Советская 42, 213826 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.98 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.2 (0)
ulitsa Oktyabrskaya 114, 213000 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.98 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.7 (0)
26 vulica Horkaha, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.1 (10)
135 vulica Savieckaja, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes

A total of 36 hotels found in Mogilev Region. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Mogilev Region hotels online has never been easier.

0 (0)
8а улица Бялыницкого-Бирули квартира 25, 212025 Mogilev, Belarus
182.33 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
65 бульвар Непокорённых квартира 90, 212029 Mogilev, Belarus
182.71 km from center
shapes shapes
10 (2)
Ulitsa Yakubovskogo 57, 212026 Mogilev, Belarus
183.98 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.7 (3)
83 Leninskaya Street , 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.59 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8 (1)
23 бульвар Юбилейный , 212017 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
83а улица Николая Островского квартира 5, 212002 Mogilev, Belarus
184.4 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
Днепровский бульвар,6, 212000 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.2 (4)
Dniprovskyi parkway 6a, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.56 km from center
9.3 (12)
70 vulica Jakubouskaha, 212026 Mogilev, Belarus
182.88 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
79 Пушкинский проспект квартира 15, 212029 Mogilev, Belarus
183.27 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.2 (3)
20 улица Лазаренко квартира 3, 212022 Mogilev, Belarus
183.34 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7 (1)
36 Temiryazevskaya str. 3 этаж, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.04 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
7.7 (3)
Mira 25, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.48 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9.6 (5)
пр-т Мира 25, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.48 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9 (6)
Lenina bulvar 6, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
185.04 km from center
8.4 (26)
улица Болдина, дом 9, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
183.89 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.2 (4)
45 Leninskaya Street, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
184.45 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.5 (4)
Pervomaiskaya Street, 16, 212030 Mogilev, Belarus
183.89 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9 (1)
улица Социалистическая 197, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
6 (4)
19 улица Крылова, 213828 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.76 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9.1 (9)
80 улица Советская 42, 213826 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.98 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.2 (0)
ulitsa Oktyabrskaya 114, 213000 Bobruisk, Belarus
82.98 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.7 (0)
26 vulica Horkaha, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.1 (10)
135 vulica Savieckaja, 213827 Bobruisk, Belarus
83.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes

A total of 36 hotels found in Mogilev Region. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Mogilev Region hotels online has never been easier.


2025-03-20 - 2025-03-21