Source: Management

Showing 12 of 150 results

Senička 37, Senička, 783 45, Czech Republic
113.01 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: U Sladovny (3.12km), Cholina (3.12km), Senice na Hané zastávka (1.94km), U Andulek (1.9km), Odrlice (1.74km), Hotel Penzion Bernardo is 105.02 km away from the Pardubice Airport
Ke Koupalisti 630, Bolatice, 74723, Czech Republic
186.42 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Children friendly
9.3 (41)

Bardzo czysto i schludnie. Miły i przyjazny personel. Przystępna cena

Vanov 21, Vanov, 588 56, Czech Republic
60.32 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Bathtub
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near: U Vévody (3.38km), Lihovar (3.33km), Na Kocandě (3.33km), Panský dvůr (3.32km), Penzion Vanůvecký Dvůr (1.49km), Hotel Penzion Šiškův mlýn is 77.27 km away from the Ceske Budejovice Airport
Jamollice 82, Jamolice, 672 01, Czech Republic
93.07 km from center
shapes Shower
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
8 (67)

Although the restaurant is now closed it provides a very nice accommodation. A fully equipped kitchen, a great garden with a pool, a plenty of room, toys for the kids, easy parking. Children playgrounds in a walking distance. The place was quite...

Boskovická, Protivanov, 798 48, Czech Republic
101.1 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Balcony
shapes Shower
shapes Coffee-Tea
shapes Pet Friendly
10 (1)

Pohodlné ubytování a velice rozumným a ochotným panem majitelem. V přízemí se nechází restaurace, kde naleznete převážně velice chutnou pizzu. Veliká výhoda bude v teplých dnech klimatizace, která je využívána na topení.

Horní Pihel 50, Chotovice, 471 18, Czech Republic
128.21 km from center
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
shapes Coffee-Tea
7.7 (3)

Freundlichkeit, Parkplatz, neu eingerichtet, Preis/Leistung super

Lišnice 68, Lišnice, 434 01, Czech Republic
153.81 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Children friendly
8.7 (16)

Okolie nádherné, po dlhej ceste som sa super vyspal. Príjemné teplo na izbe. Personál ústretový, super. Odporúčam. Ďakujem

Dražov 136, Hlinky, 360 01, Czech Republic
191.49 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Children friendly
8 (0)

Ubytování v revitalizované budově, parkovací plocha velká, paní, co nás ubytovala příjemná. Pokoj (č.2) s ohledem na velmi nízkou cenu výborný: stabilní postele, pohodlná matrace, příjemné povlečení, dostatek úložného a odkládacího prostoru,...

17, Červená, 341 92, Czech Republic
154.86 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
8.7 (41)

Úžasná poloha. Skvělé ubytování. Bylo všude teploučko a čisto. Byli jsme s pejskem a supr. Pan majitel byl vstřícný a milý člověk. Výborná kuchyně určitě se na místo vrátíme.

40, Sedlec, 373 47, Czech Republic
115.67 km from center
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
8 (36)

Eva ist eine sehr freundliche Gastgeberin. Sedlec ist ein übersichtliches Storchendorf. Von unserem Zimmer aus konnten wir Storcheneltern mit ihren vier Jungen beobachten, ein unvergessliches Naturerlebnis. Alles in allem, ein kurzer aber...

Potočiště 3, Odrava, Ava, 350 02, Czech Republic
221.59 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Children friendly
7.6 (29)

Sehr sauber, neu renoviert, gute Matratzen, sehr bemühtes Personal im Restaurant.

Újezdsko 57, Kostelany, 767 01, Czech Republic
147.84 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
8.3 (21)

Čistota, útulné pokoje, klid a pohoda. Velmi ochotný pan správce.🙂 A k tomu sauna, vířivka a bazén s protiproudem - prostě paráda.

Voleč č.p.104, Voleč, 533 41, Czech Republic
41.45 km from center
shapes Shower
shapes Coffee-Tea
9.5 (102)

First and foremost was the minibar! Great Czech beers at supermarket prices. Staff helpful, despite the language differences. Pulled in too late for food as the bistro closes at 18:00. Since it was 32 c and I rode my bike all afternoon, the kind...

Žampach 2, Kamenný Přívoz, 252 82, Czech Republic
73.69 km from center
shapes Beach
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
6.2 (48)
Myštice čp.7, Myštice, 388 01, Czech Republic
115.2 km from center
shapes Beach
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Kitchen
shapes Balcony
6.4 (0)
The hotel is located near: Bezdědovice (6.83km), Village pub (6.37km), Restaurace U Alše (5.28km), U Koblížka (5.1km), Hostinec U Labutě (320m), Hotel Zájezdní hostinec Labuť is 64.92 km away from the Ceske Budejovice Airport
Dubice 39, Řehlovice, 400 02, Czech Republic
140.83 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
6.9 (14)
The hotel is located near: Sebuzín (2.38km), Dolní Zálezly (2.14km), Radejčín (1.59km), Restaurace U Becků (487m), U Svaté Barbory (164m), Hotel Restaurace a penzion U svaté Barbory is 136.79 km away from the Pardubice Airport
Horní Luby 25, Luby, 351 34, Czech Republic
229.37 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
9.5 (34)

S manželem jsme byli moc spokojení, velmi velmi příjemná obsluha a majitelé byli skvělý. Snídaně byli chutné a člověk i s intolerancí si přišel na své. Extrémně pohodné postele a polštáře.

Choťánky 55, Choťánky, 290 01, Czech Republic
49.73 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
shapes Pet Friendly
9.8 (0)

Krásný nový penzion v klidné vesničce hned vedle Poděbrad. Ideální pro hráče golfu. Hřiště je 1km daleko. Všude čisto, neskutečně ochotný rodinný personál. Je vidět, že jim na hostech a na tom, aby se vrátili, velmi záleží. Parkování na zamčeném...

U Dračice přízemí, Rapšach, 378 07, Czech Republic
103.89 km from center
shapes Shower
shapes Hairdryer
0 (0)
Dobrá Voda u Záblatí Záblatí 97, Záblatí, 384 33, Czech Republic
141.17 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Shower
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
2 (2)
The hotel is located near: Prachatice lázně (4.49km), Gran Sasso (4.47km), Pizzeria Gransasso (4.44km), Libín Lift 2 (3.01km), Libín Lift 1 (3.01km), Hotel Dobrá Voda u Záblatí - lesní areál is 35.56 km away from the Ceske Budejovice Airport
13 Šlemínská, Šlemín, 252 09, Czech Republic
79.88 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Children friendly
8 (0)
The hotel is located near: U Vrňáků (1.1km), U Volešáků (1.05km), Na Pervidle (836m), Ella má kávu (826m), Hospoda Na Pervidle (825m), Hotel Villa Mandát is 96.42 km away from the Pardubice Airport
Vranová 62, Vranová, 679 62, Czech Republic
76.73 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Kitchen
shapes Kitchenette
shapes Shower
10 (4)

Velmi pěkný penzion. Pokoj byl krásný, čistý a kuchyň dobře vybavená pro rychlé vaření. Majitelé jsou velmi příjemní a vstřícní.

Radostín 95, Radostín, 591 01, Czech Republic
28.84 km from center
shapes Parking
shapes Kitchen
shapes Children friendly
6 (1)
The hotel is located near: Bowling bar Zdirec (6.21km), Penzion Polnička (6.04km), Hostinec Vepřová (5.23km), Krčma U Rytíře Střely (4.98km), Motorest galerie (3.08km), Hotel Restaurace a Hotel U Šimáka Radostín is 42.17 km away from the Pardubice Airport
Kladky 184, Kladky, 798 54, Czech Republic
95.45 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
9.1 (70)

Snídaně výborné a bohaté. Milá obsluha. Na pokoji málo židlí k sezení a uvítali bychom alespoň miniledničku či nějakou skleničku. Obzvlášť, když byla restaurace celý víkend zavřená. Nejbližší restaurace cca 10-15km. Jinak ale pobyt hodnotím velice...

A total of 150 hotels found in Czech Republic. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Czech Republic hotels online has never been easier.

0 (0)
Senička 37, Senička, 783 45, Czech Republic
113.01 km from center
9.3 (41)
Ke Koupalisti 630, Bolatice, 74723, Czech Republic
186.42 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
Vanov 21, Vanov, 588 56, Czech Republic
60.32 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8 (67)
Jamollice 82, Jamolice, 672 01, Czech Republic
93.07 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
10 (1)
Boskovická, Protivanov, 798 48, Czech Republic
101.1 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
7.7 (3)
Horní Pihel 50, Chotovice, 471 18, Czech Republic
128.21 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.7 (16)
Lišnice 68, Lišnice, 434 01, Czech Republic
153.81 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8 (0)
Dražov 136, Hlinky, 360 01, Czech Republic
191.49 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.7 (41)
17, Červená, 341 92, Czech Republic
154.86 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8 (36)
40, Sedlec, 373 47, Czech Republic
115.67 km from center
shapes shapes
7.6 (29)
Potočiště 3, Odrava, Ava, 350 02, Czech Republic
221.59 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.3 (21)
Újezdsko 57, Kostelany, 767 01, Czech Republic
147.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.5 (102)
Voleč č.p.104, Voleč, 533 41, Czech Republic
41.45 km from center
shapes shapes
6.2 (48)
Žampach 2, Kamenný Přívoz, 252 82, Czech Republic
73.69 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
6.4 (0)
Myštice čp.7, Myštice, 388 01, Czech Republic
115.2 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
6.9 (14)
Dubice 39, Řehlovice, 400 02, Czech Republic
140.83 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.5 (34)
Horní Luby 25, Luby, 351 34, Czech Republic
229.37 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.8 (0)
Choťánky 55, Choťánky, 290 01, Czech Republic
49.73 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
U Dračice přízemí, Rapšach, 378 07, Czech Republic
103.89 km from center
shapes shapes
2 (2)
Dobrá Voda u Záblatí Záblatí 97, Záblatí, 384 33, Czech Republic
141.17 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8 (0)
13 Šlemínská, Šlemín, 252 09, Czech Republic
79.88 km from center
shapes shapes
10 (4)
Vranová 62, Vranová, 679 62, Czech Republic
76.73 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
6 (1)
Radostín 95, Radostín, 591 01, Czech Republic
28.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9.1 (70)
Kladky 184, Kladky, 798 54, Czech Republic
95.45 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes

A total of 150 hotels found in Czech Republic. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Czech Republic hotels online has never been easier.

0 (0)
Senička 37, Senička, 783 45, Czech Republic
113.01 km from center
9.3 (41)
Ke Koupalisti 630, Bolatice, 74723, Czech Republic
186.42 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
Vanov 21, Vanov, 588 56, Czech Republic
60.32 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8 (67)
Jamollice 82, Jamolice, 672 01, Czech Republic
93.07 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
10 (1)
Boskovická, Protivanov, 798 48, Czech Republic
101.1 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
7.7 (3)
Horní Pihel 50, Chotovice, 471 18, Czech Republic
128.21 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.7 (16)
Lišnice 68, Lišnice, 434 01, Czech Republic
153.81 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8 (0)
Dražov 136, Hlinky, 360 01, Czech Republic
191.49 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.7 (41)
17, Červená, 341 92, Czech Republic
154.86 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
8 (36)
40, Sedlec, 373 47, Czech Republic
115.67 km from center
shapes shapes
7.6 (29)
Potočiště 3, Odrava, Ava, 350 02, Czech Republic
221.59 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.3 (21)
Újezdsko 57, Kostelany, 767 01, Czech Republic
147.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.5 (102)
Voleč č.p.104, Voleč, 533 41, Czech Republic
41.45 km from center
shapes shapes
6.2 (48)
Žampach 2, Kamenný Přívoz, 252 82, Czech Republic
73.69 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
6.4 (0)
Myštice čp.7, Myštice, 388 01, Czech Republic
115.2 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
6.9 (14)
Dubice 39, Řehlovice, 400 02, Czech Republic
140.83 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.5 (34)
Horní Luby 25, Luby, 351 34, Czech Republic
229.37 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
9.8 (0)
Choťánky 55, Choťánky, 290 01, Czech Republic
49.73 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
U Dračice přízemí, Rapšach, 378 07, Czech Republic
103.89 km from center
shapes shapes
2 (2)
Dobrá Voda u Záblatí Záblatí 97, Záblatí, 384 33, Czech Republic
141.17 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8 (0)
13 Šlemínská, Šlemín, 252 09, Czech Republic
79.88 km from center
shapes shapes
10 (4)
Vranová 62, Vranová, 679 62, Czech Republic
76.73 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes shapes
6 (1)
Radostín 95, Radostín, 591 01, Czech Republic
28.84 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
9.1 (70)
Kladky 184, Kladky, 798 54, Czech Republic
95.45 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes

A total of 150 hotels found in Czech Republic. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Czech Republic hotels online has never been easier.


2025-01-15 - 2025-01-16