 of 13 results in Bangka Belitung Islands
75 Jalan Bandes, 33684 Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia
1572.94 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
33684, Abdullah Bursyah, Pangkalpinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Indonesia, Pangkal Pinang, 33684 Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia
1571.39 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.6 (5)
The hotel is located near:
jalan aik nek anye, 33414 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1384.57 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
jalan abdullah 008/002 tanjong tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Abdullah 008/002 Tanjong Tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jl Abdullah 008/001 Tanjong Tinggi - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Air Selumar, Sijuk, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 33414 Simpang Ampat, Indonesia
1384.11 km from center
shapes Children friendly
9 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Bukit Berahu, Tj. Binga, Sijuk, Kabupaten Belitung, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33451, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1398.05 km from center
shapes Children friendly
9 (2)

Very friendly host that helped a lot with organising my day activities. Even though I don't speak Indonesian (which caused the communication to be a little bit harder), they still helped me in every possible way. Big highlight is the bed in the...

Jl. Kelayang Indah, Keciput, Sijuk, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1394.58 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Tj. Kelayang, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1393.27 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Sriwijaya, 33411 Tanjungpandan, Indonesia
1393.97 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8.3 (18)

Budget hotel as expected. Standard room, standard facility. The hotel is located in the city. We can find anything within reach.

Jalan Ahmad Yani Dalam No. 4, 33415 Tanjungpandan, Indonesia
1392.88 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7.4 (16)

Thank you for preparing me breakfast despite most of the staff probably were in fasting for Ramadhan

jalan H abdullah 008/002 - Tanjong Tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:

Hotels in nearby cities

Jalan Lintas Sumatra, 22384 Porsea, Indonesia
2459.88 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Access Road Inalum no.55, 21258 Tasak, Indonesia
2472.01 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Raya Padang Aro, Alam Pauh Duo, Pauah Duo, Sumatera Barat, 27776 Alahanbadil, Indonesia
2130.2 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
01, Jalinteng Martapura-Belitang-Palembang, Sukarami, Buay Madang Timur, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur, Sumatera Selatan, 32382, Indonesia, Kayu Agung, 32382 Tanjungraya, Indonesia
1705.38 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.3 (3)
The hotel is located near:
Lintas Sumatera, Kepahyang, Lempuing, Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia, Kayu Agung, 30657 Rumpuktulunghoni, Indonesia
1679.87 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5 (2)
The hotel is located near:
35372, Purworejo, Pesawaran, Lampung, 35371, Indonesia, Lampung, 35372 Gedongtataan, Indonesia
1652.7 km from center
shapes Children friendly
9 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Raya Bayah-Karangtaraje, 42393 Muaramadur, Indonesia
1535.89 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8 (0)

Cozy place, clean, friendly staff, good facilities

Jalan Maulana Hasanudin, 15141 Kampungketapang, Indonesia
1479.84 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7.3 (9)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Tokyo Riverside Blvd Tokyo Riverside, Tower Fuji, 15510 Gedong, Indonesia
1477.62 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. KH. Dehir No. 13, Kel. Tanah Baru, Kec. Beji, Jawa Barat, 16426 Krukut, Indonesia
1468.41 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Pelabuhan II KM 7, 43169 Lembursitu, Indonesia
1466.02 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:

A total of 13 hotels found in Bangka Belitung Islands. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Bangka Belitung Islands hotels online has never been easier.

0 (0)
75 Jalan Bandes, 33684 Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia
1572.94 km from center
6.6 (5)
33684, Abdullah Bursyah, Pangkalpinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Indonesia, Pangkal Pinang, 33684 Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia
1571.39 km from center
0 (0)
jalan aik nek anye, 33414 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1384.57 km from center
0 (0)
jalan abdullah 008/002 tanjong tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Abdullah 008/002 Tanjong Tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
0 (0)
Jl Abdullah 008/001 Tanjong Tinggi - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
9 (1)
Air Selumar, Sijuk, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 33414 Simpang Ampat, Indonesia
1384.11 km from center
9 (2)
Jl. Bukit Berahu, Tj. Binga, Sijuk, Kabupaten Belitung, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33451, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1398.05 km from center
5 (0)
Jl. Kelayang Indah, Keciput, Sijuk, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1394.58 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Tj. Kelayang, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1393.27 km from center
8.3 (18)
Jalan Sriwijaya, 33411 Tanjungpandan, Indonesia
1393.97 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.4 (16)
Jalan Ahmad Yani Dalam No. 4, 33415 Tanjungpandan, Indonesia
1392.88 km from center
0 (0)
jalan H abdullah 008/002 - Tanjong Tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center

Hotels in nearby cities

7 (1)
Jalan Lintas Sumatra, 22384 Porsea, Indonesia
2459.88 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Access Road Inalum no.55, 21258 Tasak, Indonesia
2472.01 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Raya Padang Aro, Alam Pauh Duo, Pauah Duo, Sumatera Barat, 27776 Alahanbadil, Indonesia
2130.2 km from center
6.3 (3)
01, Jalinteng Martapura-Belitang-Palembang, Sukarami, Buay Madang Timur, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur, Sumatera Selatan, 32382, Indonesia, Kayu Agung, 32382 Tanjungraya, Indonesia
1705.38 km from center
5 (2)
Lintas Sumatera, Kepahyang, Lempuing, Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia, Kayu Agung, 30657 Rumpuktulunghoni, Indonesia
1679.87 km from center
9 (0)
35372, Purworejo, Pesawaran, Lampung, 35371, Indonesia, Lampung, 35372 Gedongtataan, Indonesia
1652.7 km from center
8 (0)
Jalan Raya Bayah-Karangtaraje, 42393 Muaramadur, Indonesia
1535.89 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.3 (9)
Jalan Maulana Hasanudin, 15141 Kampungketapang, Indonesia
1479.84 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Tokyo Riverside Blvd Tokyo Riverside, Tower Fuji, 15510 Gedong, Indonesia
1477.62 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. KH. Dehir No. 13, Kel. Tanah Baru, Kec. Beji, Jawa Barat, 16426 Krukut, Indonesia
1468.41 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Pelabuhan II KM 7, 43169 Lembursitu, Indonesia
1466.02 km from center

A total of 13 hotels found in Bangka Belitung Islands. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Bangka Belitung Islands hotels online has never been easier.

0 (0)
75 Jalan Bandes, 33684 Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia
1572.94 km from center
6.6 (5)
33684, Abdullah Bursyah, Pangkalpinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Indonesia, Pangkal Pinang, 33684 Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia
1571.39 km from center
0 (0)
jalan aik nek anye, 33414 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1384.57 km from center
0 (0)
jalan abdullah 008/002 tanjong tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Abdullah 008/002 Tanjong Tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
0 (0)
Jl Abdullah 008/001 Tanjong Tinggi - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center
9 (1)
Air Selumar, Sijuk, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 33414 Simpang Ampat, Indonesia
1384.11 km from center
9 (2)
Jl. Bukit Berahu, Tj. Binga, Sijuk, Kabupaten Belitung, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung 33451, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1398.05 km from center
5 (0)
Jl. Kelayang Indah, Keciput, Sijuk, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1394.58 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Tj. Kelayang, 33414 Tanjungbinga, Indonesia
1393.27 km from center
8.3 (18)
Jalan Sriwijaya, 33411 Tanjungpandan, Indonesia
1393.97 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.4 (16)
Jalan Ahmad Yani Dalam No. 4, 33415 Tanjungpandan, Indonesia
1392.88 km from center
0 (0)
jalan H abdullah 008/002 - Tanjong Tinggi - Sijuk - Belitung, 33451 Pasarbaru, Indonesia
1389.14 km from center

Hotels in nearby cities

7 (1)
Jalan Lintas Sumatra, 22384 Porsea, Indonesia
2459.88 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Access Road Inalum no.55, 21258 Tasak, Indonesia
2472.01 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Raya Padang Aro, Alam Pauh Duo, Pauah Duo, Sumatera Barat, 27776 Alahanbadil, Indonesia
2130.2 km from center
6.3 (3)
01, Jalinteng Martapura-Belitang-Palembang, Sukarami, Buay Madang Timur, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur, Sumatera Selatan, 32382, Indonesia, Kayu Agung, 32382 Tanjungraya, Indonesia
1705.38 km from center
5 (2)
Lintas Sumatera, Kepahyang, Lempuing, Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia, Kayu Agung, 30657 Rumpuktulunghoni, Indonesia
1679.87 km from center
9 (0)
35372, Purworejo, Pesawaran, Lampung, 35371, Indonesia, Lampung, 35372 Gedongtataan, Indonesia
1652.7 km from center
8 (0)
Jalan Raya Bayah-Karangtaraje, 42393 Muaramadur, Indonesia
1535.89 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.3 (9)
Jalan Maulana Hasanudin, 15141 Kampungketapang, Indonesia
1479.84 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Tokyo Riverside Blvd Tokyo Riverside, Tower Fuji, 15510 Gedong, Indonesia
1477.62 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. KH. Dehir No. 13, Kel. Tanah Baru, Kec. Beji, Jawa Barat, 16426 Krukut, Indonesia
1468.41 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Pelabuhan II KM 7, 43169 Lembursitu, Indonesia
1466.02 km from center

A total of 13 hotels found in Bangka Belitung Islands. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Bangka Belitung Islands hotels online has never been easier.


2025-04-02 - 2025-04-03