Author: umutinal
Source: Traveler
Showing 3 hotels in Anyer
Jl. Raya Karang Bolong KM 135 desa Bandulu Anyer, Tower Sadewa Lt. 5 Unit 5532 (view kolam renang), 42466 Anyer, Indonesia
10.96 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.2 (6)
The hotel is located near:
Palm beach villa blok A17, pasauran, anyer, Anyer, Indonesia
25.23 km from center
shapes Children friendly
8.5 (0)

Good Facilities, utilities, hygiene & comfort enough

Jl. Karang Bolong KM 139, Kampung Kosambi, Desa Karang Suraga, Kecamatan Cinangka, Kabupaten Serang, 42167 Anyer, Indonesia
14.96 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7.8 (257)

We had an amazing 3 night stay at the Aston Anyer. Good spread of Breakfast. Have to mention that the service at the hotel is remarkable. They staff were extremely courteous and super helpful. Big thank you to Kana and the front desk team. We will...

Hotels in nearby cities

Jl. Raya Anyer-Sirih 127, Anyar, Kec. Anyar, Serang, Banten, 42166 Serang, Indonesia
5.36 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7 (25)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa no.99B, Masigit Jombang Kali, Cilegon, 42411 Cilegon, Indonesia
12.58 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
8 (131)

In the central city. Close to shopping mall or main attraction

Jl KH Wasyid No. 35A Kel Sukmajaya Kec Jombang, Cilegon, 42416 Cilegon, Indonesia
13.53 km from center
shapes Children friendly
8.4 (112)

Exceptionally great staff, they were warm and eager to serve. Ensured that my vegetarian dietary requirement were met with what ever was available. Breakfast was good. Rooms were quite spacious with better utilization of technology. Plug points...

Jl. Raya Anyer-Sirih, Bulakan, Kec. Cinangka, Banten, 42167 Pasauran, Indonesia
21.78 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5.3 (3)
The hotel is located near:
14, Sindangsari, Serang, Banten, Indonesia, Serang, 42163 Serang, Indonesia
26.84 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7.3 (14)
The hotel is located near:
Jenderal Sudirman No. 88, 42118 Serang, Indonesia
28.55 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8 (39)

The room clean friendly serviced great location. Great foods.

Jl. Raya Cipocok Petir, Blok Maja, Banjarsari, Kec. Cipocok Jaya, Banten, 42123 Banjar, Indonesia
30.39 km from center
shapes Children friendly
10 (3)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Raya Carita Km. 7 Desa Banjarmasin, Kec. Carita Kab. Pandeglang, Banten 42264, 42264 Carita, Indonesia
34 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
3.5 (2)
The hotel is located near:
JL. Raya Serang, Km. 24 RT 003 RW 002, Talagasari, Balaraja, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15610, 15610 Tangerang, Indonesia
60.71 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.3 (9)
The hotel is located near:
Perumahan Citra Raya Blok KA 01 Kav. 2 Kawasan Commercial Life Style, 15710 Tangerang, Indonesia
69.48 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
6.7 (38)
The hotel is located near:
JL. Taman Permata, Ruko New Asia no. 162, Lippo Karawaci, Ruko New Asia, Binong, Kec. Tangerang, Banten, 15810 Galuga, Indonesia
74.37 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7.7 (0)
The hotel is located near:
B4 No.9, Lippo Village, Binong, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, Tangerang, 15811 Binong, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
shapes Children friendly
2.6 (5)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Permata Indah II, Blok B3/no.1, Komplek Taman Permata Millenium, Kel. Binong, Kec. Curug, 15810 Binong, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Lincoln Drive Dormitory Jl. Newton no 33-35, Lippo Karawaci, 15810 Tangerang, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Doktor Dwiyo Sugondo, Bojongrarang, Indonesia
76.16 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
1, Politeknik LP3I Cimone, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Cimone, Karawaci, Tangerang, 15114 Kandang-besar, Indonesia
76.38 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Bulevar Raya, 15811 Buaran, Indonesia
76.48 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.6 (29)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Marsekal Surya Darma Blok A No 1, 15129 Rawabambu, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes Children friendly
1 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Aeropolis Residence. Jalan Marsekal Surya Dharma Blok A No. 01, 15129 Tangerang, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
5.9 (0)
The hotel is located near:
61 Jalan Kampung Sekarwangi, 15129 Teko, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
3.5 (0)
The hotel is located near:
138 Jalan Kelapa Dua Raya, 15810 Klapadua, Indonesia
77.54 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
All hotels are shown

A total of 3 hotels found in Anyer. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Anyer hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Anyer

6.2 (6)
Jl. Raya Karang Bolong KM 135 desa Bandulu Anyer, Tower Sadewa Lt. 5 Unit 5532 (view kolam renang), 42466 Anyer, Indonesia
10.96 km from center
8.5 (0)
Palm beach villa blok A17, pasauran, anyer, Anyer, Indonesia
25.23 km from center
7.8 (257)
Jl. Karang Bolong KM 139, Kampung Kosambi, Desa Karang Suraga, Kecamatan Cinangka, Kabupaten Serang, 42167 Anyer, Indonesia
14.96 km from center

Hotels in nearby cities

7 (25)
Jl. Raya Anyer-Sirih 127, Anyar, Kec. Anyar, Serang, Banten, 42166 Serang, Indonesia
5.36 km from center
8 (131)
Jalan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa no.99B, Masigit Jombang Kali, Cilegon, 42411 Cilegon, Indonesia
12.58 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.4 (112)
Jl KH Wasyid No. 35A Kel Sukmajaya Kec Jombang, Cilegon, 42416 Cilegon, Indonesia
13.53 km from center
5.3 (3)
Jl. Raya Anyer-Sirih, Bulakan, Kec. Cinangka, Banten, 42167 Pasauran, Indonesia
21.78 km from center
7.3 (14)
14, Sindangsari, Serang, Banten, Indonesia, Serang, 42163 Serang, Indonesia
26.84 km from center
8 (39)
Jenderal Sudirman No. 88, 42118 Serang, Indonesia
28.55 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
10 (3)
Jl. Raya Cipocok Petir, Blok Maja, Banjarsari, Kec. Cipocok Jaya, Banten, 42123 Banjar, Indonesia
30.39 km from center
3.5 (2)
Jl. Raya Carita Km. 7 Desa Banjarmasin, Kec. Carita Kab. Pandeglang, Banten 42264, 42264 Carita, Indonesia
34 km from center
shapes shapes
6.3 (9)
JL. Raya Serang, Km. 24 RT 003 RW 002, Talagasari, Balaraja, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15610, 15610 Tangerang, Indonesia
60.71 km from center
6.7 (38)
Perumahan Citra Raya Blok KA 01 Kav. 2 Kawasan Commercial Life Style, 15710 Tangerang, Indonesia
69.48 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.7 (0)
JL. Taman Permata, Ruko New Asia no. 162, Lippo Karawaci, Ruko New Asia, Binong, Kec. Tangerang, Banten, 15810 Galuga, Indonesia
74.37 km from center
2.6 (5)
B4 No.9, Lippo Village, Binong, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, Tangerang, 15811 Binong, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Permata Indah II, Blok B3/no.1, Komplek Taman Permata Millenium, Kel. Binong, Kec. Curug, 15810 Binong, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
0 (0)
Lincoln Drive Dormitory Jl. Newton no 33-35, Lippo Karawaci, 15810 Tangerang, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Doktor Dwiyo Sugondo, Bojongrarang, Indonesia
76.16 km from center
0 (0)
1, Politeknik LP3I Cimone, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Cimone, Karawaci, Tangerang, 15114 Kandang-besar, Indonesia
76.38 km from center
6.6 (29)
Bulevar Raya, 15811 Buaran, Indonesia
76.48 km from center
1 (1)
Jalan Marsekal Surya Darma Blok A No 1, 15129 Rawabambu, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
5.9 (0)
Aeropolis Residence. Jalan Marsekal Surya Dharma Blok A No. 01, 15129 Tangerang, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes shapes
3.5 (0)
61 Jalan Kampung Sekarwangi, 15129 Teko, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
138 Jalan Kelapa Dua Raya, 15810 Klapadua, Indonesia
77.54 km from center
All hotels are shown

A total of 3 hotels found in Anyer. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Anyer hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Anyer

6.2 (6)
Jl. Raya Karang Bolong KM 135 desa Bandulu Anyer, Tower Sadewa Lt. 5 Unit 5532 (view kolam renang), 42466 Anyer, Indonesia
10.96 km from center
8.5 (0)
Palm beach villa blok A17, pasauran, anyer, Anyer, Indonesia
25.23 km from center
7.8 (257)
Jl. Karang Bolong KM 139, Kampung Kosambi, Desa Karang Suraga, Kecamatan Cinangka, Kabupaten Serang, 42167 Anyer, Indonesia
14.96 km from center

Hotels in nearby cities

7 (25)
Jl. Raya Anyer-Sirih 127, Anyar, Kec. Anyar, Serang, Banten, 42166 Serang, Indonesia
5.36 km from center
8 (131)
Jalan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa no.99B, Masigit Jombang Kali, Cilegon, 42411 Cilegon, Indonesia
12.58 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.4 (112)
Jl KH Wasyid No. 35A Kel Sukmajaya Kec Jombang, Cilegon, 42416 Cilegon, Indonesia
13.53 km from center
5.3 (3)
Jl. Raya Anyer-Sirih, Bulakan, Kec. Cinangka, Banten, 42167 Pasauran, Indonesia
21.78 km from center
7.3 (14)
14, Sindangsari, Serang, Banten, Indonesia, Serang, 42163 Serang, Indonesia
26.84 km from center
8 (39)
Jenderal Sudirman No. 88, 42118 Serang, Indonesia
28.55 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
10 (3)
Jl. Raya Cipocok Petir, Blok Maja, Banjarsari, Kec. Cipocok Jaya, Banten, 42123 Banjar, Indonesia
30.39 km from center
3.5 (2)
Jl. Raya Carita Km. 7 Desa Banjarmasin, Kec. Carita Kab. Pandeglang, Banten 42264, 42264 Carita, Indonesia
34 km from center
shapes shapes
6.3 (9)
JL. Raya Serang, Km. 24 RT 003 RW 002, Talagasari, Balaraja, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15610, 15610 Tangerang, Indonesia
60.71 km from center
6.7 (38)
Perumahan Citra Raya Blok KA 01 Kav. 2 Kawasan Commercial Life Style, 15710 Tangerang, Indonesia
69.48 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.7 (0)
JL. Taman Permata, Ruko New Asia no. 162, Lippo Karawaci, Ruko New Asia, Binong, Kec. Tangerang, Banten, 15810 Galuga, Indonesia
74.37 km from center
2.6 (5)
B4 No.9, Lippo Village, Binong, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, Tangerang, 15811 Binong, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Permata Indah II, Blok B3/no.1, Komplek Taman Permata Millenium, Kel. Binong, Kec. Curug, 15810 Binong, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
0 (0)
Lincoln Drive Dormitory Jl. Newton no 33-35, Lippo Karawaci, 15810 Tangerang, Indonesia
75.42 km from center
0 (0)
Jalan Doktor Dwiyo Sugondo, Bojongrarang, Indonesia
76.16 km from center
0 (0)
1, Politeknik LP3I Cimone, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Cimone, Karawaci, Tangerang, 15114 Kandang-besar, Indonesia
76.38 km from center
6.6 (29)
Bulevar Raya, 15811 Buaran, Indonesia
76.48 km from center
1 (1)
Jalan Marsekal Surya Darma Blok A No 1, 15129 Rawabambu, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
5.9 (0)
Aeropolis Residence. Jalan Marsekal Surya Dharma Blok A No. 01, 15129 Tangerang, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes shapes
3.5 (0)
61 Jalan Kampung Sekarwangi, 15129 Teko, Indonesia
77.47 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
138 Jalan Kelapa Dua Raya, 15810 Klapadua, Indonesia
77.54 km from center
All hotels are shown

A total of 3 hotels found in Anyer. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Anyer hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Anyer


2025-04-02 - 2025-04-03