Author: Lastrida
Source: Traveler
 of 13 results in Balikpapan
Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 321, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.35 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
7.8 (94)

the room is clean and neat. the location is strategic. the staff is also very helpful.

Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Balikpapan Super Blok No.H 11, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.35 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Children friendly
7.6 (0)

Perfect location. Close to the beach, shopping centre, airport and other public places. The price was reasonable. Friendly and helpful staff. The room was cleaned properly.

29, Gg. Kutilang No.29, Sepinggan, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, 76115 Balikpapan, Indonesia
6.06 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.3 (0)
The hotel is located near:
2, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, RT.030/RW.025, Klandasan Ulu, Balikpapan Kota, Balikpapan, 76112 Balikpapan, Indonesia
5.53 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5.7 (7)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Letjen Suprapto RT 28 No.6, Baru Tengah, Kec. Balikpapan Bar., Kalimantan Timur, 76132 Balikpapan, Indonesia
5.59 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
No.88 Jalan Syarifuddin Yoes No.88, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.41 km from center
shapes Children friendly
1.3 (3)
The hotel is located near:
No. 5 Jalan MT Haryono, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
1.64 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5.7 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.28, 76125 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.32 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8.5 (0)

The staff were excellent, very friendly and efficient, room was clean and nice rooftop restaurant with good quality western food

Jl. Ketinjau, Gn. Bahagia, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.59 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7 (3)
The hotel is located near:
62, Jl.Mulawarman rt 28 Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, Balikpapan, 76116 Balikpapan, Indonesia
10.14 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6.3 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Letkol Pol. H.M Asnawi Arbain No 3, Balikpapan, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
1.04 km from center
shapes Children friendly
1 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Grand Sudirman Balikpapan Jln Jend Sudirman No 7, 76411 Balikpapan, Indonesia
4.58 km from center
shapes Bar
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
7.2 (25)
The hotel is located near:
62, Jalan Prona 2 RT 24 No 72, Sepinggan Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, 76115 Balikpapan, Indonesia
6.06 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8.2 (12)

Lumayan mudah ditemukan, cocok untuk yang transit dengan penerbangan selanjutnya karena tidak jauh dari bandara cuman untuk jalan ke dapan jalan raya cukup jauh

Hotels in nearby cities

Jl. Manunggal No.55, Gn. Bahagia, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, 76114 Stalkudo, Indonesia
2.53 km from center
shapes Children friendly
3 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, 76111 Klandasan-besar, Indonesia
6.25 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
1 (1)
The hotel is located near:
1, Penginapan 3 Be Garden Syariah, Jl. Propinsi, Lawe Lawe, Penajam Paser Utara, 76141 Penajam, Indonesia
21.33 km from center
shapes Children friendly
1 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. KH. Khalid No. 35, 75111 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8 (0)

Very good staff. They found my missing phone charger which I mistakenly left in the previous room in the same hotel. Really grateful for that. Staff were friendly and accommodating. Breakfast was great!

Jl. Mulawarman no. 6, 75112 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
6.6 (46)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan P.Hidayatullah, 75112 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Bar
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8.5 (108)

The staffs are nice. Fast check in & check out. Clean rooms.

27b, Jl. Pulau Samosir No.27b, Karang Mumus, Kec. Samarinda Ilir, Samarinda, 75113 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.8 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
13 Jalan Dewi Sartika, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.8 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8 (0)
The hotel is located near:
No.58 Jalan Bhayangkara, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
89.43 km from center
shapes Restaurant
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
6 (4)
The hotel is located near:
35, Jl. D. Maninjau No.35, Sungai Pinang Luar, Kec. Samarinda Kota, Samarinda, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
89.43 km from center
shapes Children friendly
4.5 (2)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Delima Dalam No. 07, 75243 Samarinda, Indonesia
90.07 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Children friendly
8 (1)
The hotel is located near:

A total of 13 hotels found in Balikpapan. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Balikpapan hotels online has never been easier.

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7.8 (94)
Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 321, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.35 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.6 (0)
Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Balikpapan Super Blok No.H 11, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.35 km from center
shapes shapes
6.3 (0)
29, Gg. Kutilang No.29, Sepinggan, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, 76115 Balikpapan, Indonesia
6.06 km from center
5.7 (7)
2, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, RT.030/RW.025, Klandasan Ulu, Balikpapan Kota, Balikpapan, 76112 Balikpapan, Indonesia
5.53 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Letjen Suprapto RT 28 No.6, Baru Tengah, Kec. Balikpapan Bar., Kalimantan Timur, 76132 Balikpapan, Indonesia
5.59 km from center
shapes shapes
1.3 (3)
No.88 Jalan Syarifuddin Yoes No.88, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.41 km from center
5.7 (0)
No. 5 Jalan MT Haryono, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
1.64 km from center
8.5 (0)
Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.28, 76125 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.32 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7 (3)
Jl. Ketinjau, Gn. Bahagia, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.59 km from center
6.3 (0)
62, Jl.Mulawarman rt 28 Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, Balikpapan, 76116 Balikpapan, Indonesia
10.14 km from center
1 (1)
Jl. Letkol Pol. H.M Asnawi Arbain No 3, Balikpapan, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
1.04 km from center
7.2 (25)
Grand Sudirman Balikpapan Jln Jend Sudirman No 7, 76411 Balikpapan, Indonesia
4.58 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.2 (12)
62, Jalan Prona 2 RT 24 No 72, Sepinggan Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, 76115 Balikpapan, Indonesia
6.06 km from center
shapes shapes

Hotels in nearby cities

3 (1)
Jl. Manunggal No.55, Gn. Bahagia, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, 76114 Stalkudo, Indonesia
2.53 km from center
1 (1)
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, 76111 Klandasan-besar, Indonesia
6.25 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
1 (1)
1, Penginapan 3 Be Garden Syariah, Jl. Propinsi, Lawe Lawe, Penajam Paser Utara, 76141 Penajam, Indonesia
21.33 km from center
8 (0)
Jl. KH. Khalid No. 35, 75111 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
6.6 (46)
Jl. Mulawarman no. 6, 75112 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.5 (108)
Jalan P.Hidayatullah, 75112 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
27b, Jl. Pulau Samosir No.27b, Karang Mumus, Kec. Samarinda Ilir, Samarinda, 75113 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.8 km from center
8 (0)
13 Jalan Dewi Sartika, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.8 km from center
shapes shapes
6 (4)
No.58 Jalan Bhayangkara, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
89.43 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
4.5 (2)
35, Jl. D. Maninjau No.35, Sungai Pinang Luar, Kec. Samarinda Kota, Samarinda, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
89.43 km from center
8 (1)
Jalan Delima Dalam No. 07, 75243 Samarinda, Indonesia
90.07 km from center
shapes shapes

A total of 13 hotels found in Balikpapan. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Balikpapan hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Balikpapan

7.8 (94)
Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 321, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.35 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7.6 (0)
Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Balikpapan Super Blok No.H 11, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.35 km from center
shapes shapes
6.3 (0)
29, Gg. Kutilang No.29, Sepinggan, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, 76115 Balikpapan, Indonesia
6.06 km from center
5.7 (7)
2, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, RT.030/RW.025, Klandasan Ulu, Balikpapan Kota, Balikpapan, 76112 Balikpapan, Indonesia
5.53 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Letjen Suprapto RT 28 No.6, Baru Tengah, Kec. Balikpapan Bar., Kalimantan Timur, 76132 Balikpapan, Indonesia
5.59 km from center
shapes shapes
1.3 (3)
No.88 Jalan Syarifuddin Yoes No.88, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.41 km from center
5.7 (0)
No. 5 Jalan MT Haryono, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
1.64 km from center
8.5 (0)
Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.28, 76125 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.32 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
7 (3)
Jl. Ketinjau, Gn. Bahagia, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
3.59 km from center
6.3 (0)
62, Jl.Mulawarman rt 28 Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, Balikpapan, 76116 Balikpapan, Indonesia
10.14 km from center
1 (1)
Jl. Letkol Pol. H.M Asnawi Arbain No 3, Balikpapan, 76114 Balikpapan, Indonesia
1.04 km from center
7.2 (25)
Grand Sudirman Balikpapan Jln Jend Sudirman No 7, 76411 Balikpapan, Indonesia
4.58 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.2 (12)
62, Jalan Prona 2 RT 24 No 72, Sepinggan Raya, Balikpapan Selatan, Balikpapan, 76115 Balikpapan, Indonesia
6.06 km from center
shapes shapes

Hotels in nearby cities

3 (1)
Jl. Manunggal No.55, Gn. Bahagia, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, 76114 Stalkudo, Indonesia
2.53 km from center
1 (1)
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, 76111 Klandasan-besar, Indonesia
6.25 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
1 (1)
1, Penginapan 3 Be Garden Syariah, Jl. Propinsi, Lawe Lawe, Penajam Paser Utara, 76141 Penajam, Indonesia
21.33 km from center
8 (0)
Jl. KH. Khalid No. 35, 75111 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
6.6 (46)
Jl. Mulawarman no. 6, 75112 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
8.5 (108)
Jalan P.Hidayatullah, 75112 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.39 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
0 (0)
27b, Jl. Pulau Samosir No.27b, Karang Mumus, Kec. Samarinda Ilir, Samarinda, 75113 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.8 km from center
8 (0)
13 Jalan Dewi Sartika, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
88.8 km from center
shapes shapes
6 (4)
No.58 Jalan Bhayangkara, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
89.43 km from center
shapes shapes shapes shapes
4.5 (2)
35, Jl. D. Maninjau No.35, Sungai Pinang Luar, Kec. Samarinda Kota, Samarinda, 75242 Samarinda, Indonesia
89.43 km from center
8 (1)
Jalan Delima Dalam No. 07, 75243 Samarinda, Indonesia
90.07 km from center
shapes shapes

A total of 13 hotels found in Balikpapan. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Balikpapan hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Balikpapan


2025-04-02 - 2025-04-03