Author: BuleJakarta
Source: Traveler
 of 28 results in Lembang
Jalan Maribaya, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
2.7 km from center
shapes Children friendly
4 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Raya Lembang - Bandung No.146, Gudangkahuripan, Lembang, Jawa Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.86 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Villa Triniti, Lembang, Indonesia
4.03 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
8.6 (15)

Bersih, lengkap peralatannya dan channel tv kabel nya

Kp Babakan Gentong No. RT. 1 RW. 15 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
7.08 km from center
shapes Children friendly
1 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Kp Babakan Gentong No. RT.1 RW.15 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
7.08 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Kp. Areng No. RT 3 RW 7 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
15, Kampung Areng Desa Cibodas RT 2 RW 7 , Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
15, Kampung Areng RT 01 RW 07 Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
17, Kampung Areng Desa Cibodas RT 2 RW 7, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5.5 (2)
The hotel is located near:
Kampung Areng RT 2 RW 7 Desa Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5 (2)
The hotel is located near:
KP LEBAK MUNCANG No.0 RT.000 RW.00 CIWIDEY, Kabupaten Bandung, 40973 Lembang, Indonesia
38.37 km from center
shapes Children friendly
5.6 (7)
The hotel is located near:
339, Kolonel Masturi, Kampung Cibadak, Desa Kertawangi,Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Cimahi, 40551 Lembang, Indonesia
6.79 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6 (1)
The hotel is located near:
236 Jalan Raya Lembang, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.86 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Pet Friendly
shapes Children friendly
8 (2)
The hotel is located near:
29 Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.8 km from center
shapes Children friendly
2 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Villa Istana Bunga I2 NO. 05, Jalan Mawar, Cihanjuang Rahayu, Kec. Parongpong, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
5.8 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Villa Dinar - Vila Istana Bunga Jl Tulip Blok D2 no.1 , Karyawangi, Parongpong, Bandung Barat, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
shapes Room Service
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
8 (1)
The hotel is located near:
VILA DINAR 2 LEMBANG Jl Barunagri no 53 RT 04 RW 011 Sukajaya Lembang Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
3.33 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
8.4 (7)
The hotel is located near:
226, Jl Cihanjuang No 226 kelurahan cihanjuang kecamatan parongpong kabupaten bandung barat jawa barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
shapes Children friendly
4.2 (6)
The hotel is located near:
1, Tugumukti, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40511 Lembang, Indonesia
9.65 km from center
shapes Children friendly
0 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Jl. Gunung Putri, Desa Jayagiri, Lembang, Bandung, 40399 Lembang, Indonesia
2.82 km from center
shapes Children friendly
7.7 (28)

environment surrounding, facilities and friendly staff

Kompleks Villa Istana Bunga Jalan Tulip Blok D2 No. 2B, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
shapes Children friendly
6 (0)
The hotel is located near:
Kampung Nyalindung, Blok kavling Gamblok Rt 01 RW 08 Desa Cikole Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Cikole, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
4.71 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
3 (1)
The hotel is located near:
Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu, 40237 Lembang, Indonesia
1.73 km from center
shapes Children friendly
10 (3)

Every thing is very clean & tidy. They have a maid for clean up the house everyday, which makes the stay very comfortable. The view from villa also very serene. Definitely comeback for another stay

Jl. Mesjid Nagrak, Sukajaya, Lembang, Bandung Barat. Indonesia 2, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
4.01 km from center
shapes Family rooms
shapes Children friendly
8.7 (15)

ok acceptable. Good supply of drinkable water. fruit on table. lovely garden. Like total feel and ambience of the house.

A total of 28 hotels found in Lembang. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Lembang hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Lembang

4 (1)
Jalan Maribaya, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
2.7 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Raya Lembang - Bandung No.146, Gudangkahuripan, Lembang, Jawa Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.86 km from center
8.6 (15)
Jalan Villa Triniti, Lembang, Indonesia
4.03 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
1 (0)
Kp Babakan Gentong No. RT. 1 RW. 15 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
7.08 km from center
0 (0)
Kp Babakan Gentong No. RT.1 RW.15 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
7.08 km from center
0 (0)
Kp. Areng No. RT 3 RW 7 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
0 (0)
15, Kampung Areng Desa Cibodas RT 2 RW 7 , Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
0 (0)
15, Kampung Areng RT 01 RW 07 Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
5.5 (2)
17, Kampung Areng Desa Cibodas RT 2 RW 7, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
5 (2)
Kampung Areng RT 2 RW 7 Desa Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
5.6 (7)
KP LEBAK MUNCANG No.0 RT.000 RW.00 CIWIDEY, Kabupaten Bandung, 40973 Lembang, Indonesia
38.37 km from center
6 (1)
339, Kolonel Masturi, Kampung Cibadak, Desa Kertawangi,Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Cimahi, 40551 Lembang, Indonesia
6.79 km from center
8 (2)
236 Jalan Raya Lembang, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.86 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
2 (1)
29 Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.8 km from center
0 (0)
Villa Istana Bunga I2 NO. 05, Jalan Mawar, Cihanjuang Rahayu, Kec. Parongpong, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
5.8 km from center
8 (1)
Villa Dinar - Vila Istana Bunga Jl Tulip Blok D2 no.1 , Karyawangi, Parongpong, Bandung Barat, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.4 (7)
VILA DINAR 2 LEMBANG Jl Barunagri no 53 RT 04 RW 011 Sukajaya Lembang Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
3.33 km from center
shapes shapes
4.2 (6)
226, Jl Cihanjuang No 226 kelurahan cihanjuang kecamatan parongpong kabupaten bandung barat jawa barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
0 (0)
1, Tugumukti, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40511 Lembang, Indonesia
9.65 km from center
7.7 (28)
Jl. Gunung Putri, Desa Jayagiri, Lembang, Bandung, 40399 Lembang, Indonesia
2.82 km from center
6 (0)
Kompleks Villa Istana Bunga Jalan Tulip Blok D2 No. 2B, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
3 (1)
Kampung Nyalindung, Blok kavling Gamblok Rt 01 RW 08 Desa Cikole Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Cikole, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
4.71 km from center
shapes shapes
10 (3)
Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu, 40237 Lembang, Indonesia
1.73 km from center
8.7 (15)
Jl. Mesjid Nagrak, Sukajaya, Lembang, Bandung Barat. Indonesia 2, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
4.01 km from center
shapes shapes

A total of 28 hotels found in Lembang. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Lembang hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Lembang

4 (1)
Jalan Maribaya, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
2.7 km from center
0 (0)
Jl. Raya Lembang - Bandung No.146, Gudangkahuripan, Lembang, Jawa Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.86 km from center
8.6 (15)
Jalan Villa Triniti, Lembang, Indonesia
4.03 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
1 (0)
Kp Babakan Gentong No. RT. 1 RW. 15 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
7.08 km from center
0 (0)
Kp Babakan Gentong No. RT.1 RW.15 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Indonesia, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
7.08 km from center
0 (0)
Kp. Areng No. RT 3 RW 7 Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
0 (0)
15, Kampung Areng Desa Cibodas RT 2 RW 7 , Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
0 (0)
15, Kampung Areng RT 01 RW 07 Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
5.5 (2)
17, Kampung Areng Desa Cibodas RT 2 RW 7, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
5 (2)
Kampung Areng RT 2 RW 7 Desa Cibodas, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
5.98 km from center
5.6 (7)
KP LEBAK MUNCANG No.0 RT.000 RW.00 CIWIDEY, Kabupaten Bandung, 40973 Lembang, Indonesia
38.37 km from center
6 (1)
339, Kolonel Masturi, Kampung Cibadak, Desa Kertawangi,Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Cimahi, 40551 Lembang, Indonesia
6.79 km from center
8 (2)
236 Jalan Raya Lembang, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.86 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
2 (1)
29 Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
1.8 km from center
0 (0)
Villa Istana Bunga I2 NO. 05, Jalan Mawar, Cihanjuang Rahayu, Kec. Parongpong, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
5.8 km from center
8 (1)
Villa Dinar - Vila Istana Bunga Jl Tulip Blok D2 no.1 , Karyawangi, Parongpong, Bandung Barat, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
shapes shapes shapes
8.4 (7)
VILA DINAR 2 LEMBANG Jl Barunagri no 53 RT 04 RW 011 Sukajaya Lembang Bandung Barat, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
3.33 km from center
shapes shapes
4.2 (6)
226, Jl Cihanjuang No 226 kelurahan cihanjuang kecamatan parongpong kabupaten bandung barat jawa barat, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
0 (0)
1, Tugumukti, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 40511 Lembang, Indonesia
9.65 km from center
7.7 (28)
Jl. Gunung Putri, Desa Jayagiri, Lembang, Bandung, 40399 Lembang, Indonesia
2.82 km from center
6 (0)
Kompleks Villa Istana Bunga Jalan Tulip Blok D2 No. 2B, 40559 Lembang, Indonesia
6.41 km from center
3 (1)
Kampung Nyalindung, Blok kavling Gamblok Rt 01 RW 08 Desa Cikole Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Cikole, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
4.71 km from center
shapes shapes
10 (3)
Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu, 40237 Lembang, Indonesia
1.73 km from center
8.7 (15)
Jl. Mesjid Nagrak, Sukajaya, Lembang, Bandung Barat. Indonesia 2, 40391 Lembang, Indonesia
4.01 km from center
shapes shapes

A total of 28 hotels found in Lembang. Select the perfect accommodation for your stay and enjoy a seamless booking experience. Booking Lembang hotels online has never been easier.

Search on Google Hotels: Lembang


2025-04-02 - 2025-04-03